These guys are fine. We know and we recommend
Why Kreatik?
School IT can get you happy, if:
IT School trained more than 9,000 people, have 7 years of experience in the market and 7 categories of training: Microsoft Office, databases, web development, project management, graphics, public speaking, and Unity. All courses are available at different levels of difficulty and take the form of workshops.
They are training professionals, analysts, assistants, managers, directors, project managers, accountants and many others. Once we even saw a priest.
PrezART can get you happy if:
PrezART inderstand the Speaker and they know what Customer needs. Once, over a beer, they explained us that the presentation does not have to be boring and full of bulleted lists, but also it does not defend by using only nice graphics.
At the beginning we did not believe, but then we saw how they do it. PrezART mixes the business and art.